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Our Natural Areas Management team utilizes an Integrated Pest Management strategy to control invasive plant species. These controls (typically used in combination) include:
The physical cutting or removal of a plant. A couple of examples of our manual control practices include tree and brush clearing and cutting flowering Canada thistle.
The utilization of animals to control an invasive plant species. NAM utilizes cattle and goats to control invasive cool-season grasses and brush.
The application of herbicides to control an invasive plant species. NAM uses herbicides only when necessary. Species such as Tree-of-Heaven and exotic honeysuckle require herbicides for effective control.
Indirect action taken to prevent or reduce the prevalence of an invasive plant species. NAM utilizes practices such as prescribed fire, prairie restoration, and inter-seeding to restore the diversity and resilience of our native ecosystems. Intact, functional ecosystems are resistant to invasion by novel plant species.